Oral Health Reports





Saskatchewan Dental Health Screening Program Report 2013-2014.

The Saskatchewan Dental Health Screening Program 2013-2014 Report highlights the results of dental health screening program in Saskatchewan during 2013-2014. It assesses the oral health status, monitors trends, determines the schools and communities that are at high risk for caries, identifies the students with unmet dental needs and measures the effectiveness of preventive dental programs. It is the fifth screening survey of the Saskatchewan Dental Health Education Program since its introduction in 1993-1994. The 2013-2014 screening provides a comprehensive and pivotal appraisal of the dental health of Grade One and Grade Seven students. The screening program involved the public health dental professionals and was designed to have an insight on the dental health of children in Saskatchewan.


Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable People Living in Canada.

This report concludes a three-year evaluation by a multi-disciplinary Canadian Academy of
Health Sciences (CAHS) panel into the issue of access to oral health care among vulnerable groups in Canada. It presents an innovative analysis of data from the recent Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS), which for the first time in approximately 40 years has provided nationally representative, clinical information on the oral health status of Canadians. In addition, targeted literature reviews were completed, with all resulting information reviewed, discussed, and integrated into the report by the Panel.


Brushing up on Oral Health in the Northwest Territories. Northwest Territories Health and Social Services.

This report outlines a vision for the Northwest Territories to restore oral health among children and youth through effective public policy, healthy choices, and evidence-based care.


Healthy Smiles for Life: BC’s First Nations and Aboriginal Oral Health Strategy.  First Nations Health Authority.

Healthy Smiles for Life: BC’s First Nations and Aboriginal Oral Health Strategy has been designed to guide public health and community efforts to improve the oral health of First Nations and Aboriginal children aged 0-18 and their caregivers in BC.


Early Childhood Caries in Indigenous Communities. Joint Position Statement of the Canadian Pediatric Society with the American Academy of Pediatrics 2014.

This position statement includes recommendations for oral health preventive and clinical care for young infants and pregnant women by primary health care providers, community-based health promotion initiatives, oral health workforce and access issues, and advocacy for community water fluoridation and fluoride varnish program access. It also advocates for further community-based research on the epidemiology, prevention, management and microbiology of ECC in Indigenous communities.



Treatment of Preventable Dental Cavities in Preschoolers: A Focus on Day Surgery Under General Anesthesia. CIHI.

This report focuses on dental caries among young children that have progressed to such an extent that their dental care occurs as day surgery, almost exclusively under general anesthesia. The purposes of the report are to quantify the burden of day surgery for ECC being provided by hospitals and health authorities; raise awareness of the size of the problem and key groups at risk; and encourage health care decision-makers to improve children’s well-being and achieve health system savings by adopting preventive strategies and interventions.


Healthy Teeth, Healthy Lives: Inuit Oral Health Action Plan 2013. Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.

ITK has collaborated with Inuit Regions to create the Action Plan. Its eight Areas of Action call for a focus on prevention initiatives, improvements in access to dental care and to nutritious foods, engagement of parents and caregivers, and a call to strengthen leadership. The Action Plan places emphases on increasing the number of Inuit oral health service providers, with an aim to bring services closer to home.


Oral Health Care for Children: A Call for Action.  Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) Position Statement 2013.

Position of the CPS is that all children and youth should have access to preventive and treatment-based dental care.  pediatricians and family physicians play an important role in identifying children at high risk for dental disease and in advocating for more comprehensive and universal dental care for children.



Report on Access to Dental Care and Oral Health Inequalities in Ontario. Public Health Ontario.

This report provides a summary of oral health status and access to dental care among different sociodemographic subgroups of the Ontario population, using the latest relevant data from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) of 2005. The CCHS interviewed and collected self‐reported information from more than 40,000 individuals in Ontario, aged 12 and older.


Canadian Oral Health Framework: 2013 – 2018.  Reducing Dental Disease: A Federal, Provincial and Territorial Framework for Action to Improve Oral Health.  

The purpose of this strategy is to provide a framework and leadership to review the oral health gaps and to address opportunities in Canada’s health care system in order to prevent and control oral diseases and conditions, and to promote oral health.


Oral Health: More than Just Cavities- A Report by Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health.

This report was written by the Chief Medical Officer of Health to raise awareness of the importance of oral health, and the need to improve access to preventive and treatment services. It provides recommendations for action which are intended to promote improvements to, and alignment and integration of, existing programs within the current fiscal framework. It is hoped that these improvements will enable more services to be delivered, especially to low-income Ontarians. Oral health is key to overall health and it’s about more – much more – than cavities.


Staying ahead of the curve: A unified public oral health program for Ontario?

This report was compiled by a group of individuals who care about the health of Ontarians. They discuss the current status of, and various policy options for, publicly funded oral health care programs with the aim of maximizing efforts to maintain and improve the health of Ontarians. This report contains the collective and individual views of the group and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the organizations they represent.



Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is: The Future of Dental Care in Canada. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

This report compiles a collection of papers from various experts offering ideas from other nations, our own history, and current provincial initiatives to help fuel the discussion of the future of dental care in Canada. They show there are many different ways we can put our money where our mouth is and enhance the health of the nation, one healthy smile at a time.


Inuit Oral Health Survey Report 2008-2009. Health Canada.

This report provides the results of the Oral Health Survey of Inuit conducted by the Office of the Chief Dental Officer of Canada in conjunction with the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Government of Nunatsiavut, Department of Health and Social Development (Newfoundland and Labrador); Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (Nunavut); and the Inuvialuit Region Corporation (Northwest Territories). It provides estimates of the burden of oral health conditions as of 2008-2009 across all areas of Canada's north, except Nunavik


Summary Report - Inuit Oral Health Survey, 2008-2009. Health Canada.

This is a summary of the Inuit Oral Health Survey Report 2008-2009.


Oral Health: A Call to Action.  A Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance, Pre-budget Consultations. Canadian Dental Hygienists Association.

A submission made by the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance making two recommendations aimed at improving oral health care.


Oral Health Care Delivery in Residential Care Facilities: A Report of the Seniors' Oral Health Secretariat, British Columbia.

This report addresses key barriers to oral care that restrict seniors from maintaining good oral health. These include: restricted finances; increasing frailty and deteriorating health; gaps in education; lack of understanding concerning the connection of oral health to general health; limited engagement of dental professionals in RCFs; priority of dental care (low) among facility staff; and lack of accountability for care.


Closing the Gap Between Oral Health Research and Practice- Workshop Summary Report 2011.

Summary report of a dynamic multidisciplinary one-day workshop involving over 50 participants hosted by Dalhousie University Faculty of Dentistry and the Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre. A key objective of the workshop was to share findings from this decade of research with a broad spectrum of health and personal care providers, health care administrators, government stakeholders, educators and members of the community.



Report of the Findings of the Oral Health Component of the Canadian Health Measures Survey, 2007-2009. Health Canada.

This report provides national estimates of the oral health status of Canadians, placed in the context of Canada’s oral health care delivery system and compared to previous Canadian estimates and two similar international surveys. The findings are derived from the Oral Health Module of the omnibus Canadian Health Measures Survey conducted from 2007 to 2009. Over 5,600 individuals were first interviewed in their homes and made a visit to a mobile examination centre. Of these 5,586 were examined by dentists calibrated for this study.


Summary Report on the Findings of the Oral Health Component of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS), 2007-2009. Health Canada.

This is a summary of the full Report of the Findings of the Oral Health Component of the Canadian Health Measures Survey, 2007-2009.


Oral Health: Edentulous People in Canada 2007-2009. Statistics Canada.

Statistics Canada report on the number of edentulous people in Canada based on the data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey.


Canadian Dental Association- Position Statement of Access to Oral Health Care for Canadians. 

Provides recommendations to improve access to oral care for five underserviced groups.


Canadian Dental Association- Position Statement on Oral health Care for Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities.

Advocates for the integration of oral health care for elderly living in long-term care facilities.


Teeth for Life: The First Nations Oral Health Strategy.  First Nations NIHB Caucus, Assembly of First Nations.

The First Nations Oral Health Strategy which is offered in this document is not meant to replace the Health Canada strategy, rather provide a complementary view of improving oral health from a First Nations perspective and recognize the great need in all age groups to receive dental preventative and treatment services. It is desired that a collaborative approach be taken to marry these two views and contributions to First Nations oral health care in order to develop a synergy and momentum for greater change.


Saskatchewan Dental Health Screening Program 2008-2009 Report. Dental Health Promotion Working Group of Saskatchewan.

This report provides a valuable point in time synopsis of the oral health status of Saskatchewan's grade one and grade seven schoolchildren.


Grey Bruce Oral Health Status Report: 2005–2010. Grey Bruce Public Health Unit.

Grey Bruce Oral Health Status Report provides a snapshot of the oral health of the residents of Grey and Bruce Counties over the past five years. Through the compilation of information from a number of sources, the report presents some of the known oral health issues within various groups including age groups and First Nations. This report also describes the oral health programs offered by the Grey Bruce Health Unit.



Oral Health of Seniors Project: CHSRF Final Report: The Silent Epidemic of Oral Disease: Evaluating Continuity of Care and Policies for the Oral Health Care of Seniors 2004.

The purpose of the research was to determine the key components of a health services model, based on continuity of care that will improve the oral health of seniors, using Nova Scotia as the geographic focus. Key questions associated with managing continuity of health care for seniors included: How is oral care for seniors currently managed and funded, and how well is it working? How can the system be more effectively restructured to improve the oral health of seniors? What are the policy implications arising from these findings?



Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit Oral Health Report.

This report identifies that early childhood caries is an increasingly serious issue in Simcoe and Muskoka, and is worse than in most other parts of Ontario. It highlights where efforts to maintain good oral health have succeeded, and where further action is needed.


Dignity with a Smile. Oral Healthcare for Elders in Residential Care- A Report for the Federal Dental Advisory Committee.

At the request of the Federal Dental Care Advisory Committee (FDCAC), a sub-group of the members agreed to tackle one of the serious oral health concerns that is more than just an access to care issue. They began by identifying questions raised within the committee and provide recommendations.  The report advocates for the integration of oral health care in the practices of residential and long-term care facilities.



Nova Scotia Oral Health Review.  Nova Scotia Health Promotion and Protection.

Based upon a review of the literature, stakeholder interviews and a feedback session, this document examines the oral health care system in Canada, dental public health capacity, the relationship between oral health and general health, the rationale and mandate for the creation of a position for a Dental Consultant, the responsibilities and competencies required of this position, and placement and employment options.


British Columbia Dental Association Report on Seniors Oral Health.

The British Columbia Dental Association's (BCDA) Geriatric Dentistry Committee in partnership with UBC Faculty of Dentistry has reviewed current care practices and issues around oral health care for seniors in British Columbia. In doing so, the Committee has made several recommendations outlined in this report, to address the problem, particularly around funding and steps needed to engage key stakeholders around access to care.





The Oral Health of Seniors in Nova Scotia- Policy Scan and Analysis: Synthesis Report. Seniors Oral Health Collaboration.  Nova Scotia Department of Health.

This synthesis report was developed to assist the Seniors Oral Health Collaboration (SOHC) in furthering their work. The findings of this policy scan and analysis show that it is imperative that Nova Scotia strives to maintain and/or improve the oral health of seniors throughout the province.


A brief analysis of position statements on oral health and access to care.  Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry Position Development Committee. July 2006.

Advocates for access to preventive and restorative oral health care, regardless of employment, health, gender, race, marital status, place of residence, age or socio-economic status. 





Access Angst: Canadian Dental Hygienist's Association Position Paper on Access to Oral Health Services.

Provides recommendations for removing barriers to accessing oral health care for underserved Canadian populations.


A Canadian Oral Health Strategy- Federal, Provincial and Territorial Dental Directors 2005-2010.

Canadian Oral Health Strategy developed by the Federal Provincial Territorial Dental Working Group.